Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Little Bella's New Home is finally ready!!

This little girl was just 4 weeks old when she came to live with us, back in 2012.

I often call her "Bella the Beast" because even though she's smaller she holds her ground.

Bellas is forever taking her sister, Precious, bones. Precious won't try to get them back......she comes

 barking to me!! Just like many "human" sisters they get into skirmishes.  I stay out of the way and let them have their "battle."

Precious was three months old when she came to us.  She always loved hiding under tables and things, and she still does.  When I miss her, I just have to look under the Buffet, in the Dining Room, and there she is!!

These two little noisy girls have brought much joy to this house, and I decided it was time to begin sharing their stories with others.

Yesterday, "Little Bella's New Home" became available (on Amazon) as a Kindle download. It will soon be in Paperback.  I plan to follow Bella's story with a book about Precious.