Tuesday, February 15, 2022

The "Perfect" Charcuterie Board selections.......

 Plan your board. What will you serve? How many people do you expect? Do they like meats, cheeses, fruits, breads? It really doesn't matter!  You don't know what they like and what they want. YOU are just going to provide a table for grazing!!!

Find some boards - yes, boards - like cutting boards, decorative kitchen utensils, whatever. Put together some small bowls for olives, pickles, relishes, condiments, and some small plates for crackers, small slices of bread, and fruits.

Use every dish that you have in your cupboards! All those dishes that you've "saved" for special occasions - well, this is one. Use them! Charcuteries aren't just for boards - add those cute little side dishes to add to the excitement!

Now, for the meats: You'll want several different kinds; like Proscuitto, salami, summer sausage, and whatever else you like and can find. Add cheeses of every different kind - American, Cheddar, Sharp Cheddar, Roquefort, Blue, Cream Cheese - anything that's "spreadable." 

Breads of every kind - and crackers and even Wheat Thins. Remember......  anything goes on a Charcuterie board.

Place your meats first, then add your cheeses and breads ...and fruits (grapes, strawberries, kiwi).......add bowls of olives and condiments like honey mustard, ranch, mayo, anything that can be spread on the breads.

Keep in mind, that Charcuterie is for people to graze and serve themselves. Add some small plate and forks and something to drink...and you've got a meal.

So, find those cutting boards that mama gave you or that Granny owned ...and those long, white dishes that you never knew what to do with ....add some small bowls, and spoons and forks and toothpicks....you've got your own Charturie Board!!!

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